I am inspired by the natural world, the
beauty that surrounds us.
I love colour. I love looking at it, mixing it,
using it.
I am an observer by nature.
My most informative education in art
occurred during my childhood. Although I
have learnt a huge amount from more formal
training, it's that freedom, delight, wonder
and sense of investigation that I had as a
child, that was my starting point.

My earliest memories are of looking at the
many colours and patterns on the quilt on
my bed, moving the quilt around so that I
could match and change pattern and colour
combinations - I did this most evenings
before going to sleep. At the age of seven
we moved house and I don't know what
happened to the quilt, but the memory still
makes me smile.

Fortunately, I was left to paint for hours,
which I did throughout my childhood,
encouraged by being allowed - my first
qualification. I have continued to paint
throughout my life.





Layered Landscapes
Still Life