Layered Landscapes

Much of my time is spent wandering on the land of Devon in particular meadow fields that run into ancient woodland where I live. Through developing an understanding of this land, it has become an integral part of my life. I have made a deep and intensive study of this area and the things that have happened there since 1998, recording some of the colour changes that have occurred, moment to moment, following the light of the day.

My layered painting is a process that I have developed over many years - the work done over a period of time by layering many colour washes. The paintings are fragments of the whole, glimpses of colour sometimes seen together in the natural world, resulting in a particular depth and richness of colour. I may re-visit the same place several times in a day, placing the new colour experience over the last.

These paintings are formless, partly because I wish the viewer to experience the impact of colour, to rest in the wonder, be calmed or excited. They need to be seen and felt to appreciate their subtleties and to experience the physical impact of colour.

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Layered Landscapes
Still Life